Spanish of the day

to take out

Spanish Vocabulary

  Spanish vocabularies are difficult to remember, but if you study them and use them in everyday basis, you can know them easily.
  The following vocabularies were used in the website before, they were organized in months, review them twice a week to ensure your understanding of the word.


Polarize truly recommend students use quilet to practice the meaning of spanish vocabularies.
HI_01 provides great spanish vocabulary practice resources that can let students practice conveniently.

Month 01

sacar- to take out

buscar- to look for

chocar- to collide

practicar- to llegar

investigar- to investigate

llegar- to arrive

navegar- to navigate

jugar- to play

comenzar- to start

almorzar- to have lunch

cruzar- to cross

empezar- to begin

caber- to fit

caer- to fall

dar- to give

decir- to say, tell

estar- to be

hacer- to do, make

ir- to go

oír- to hear

Date: 13 Feb 2017 - 10 Mar 2017